Career Profile
Babies, Computers, Healthcare Systems
Responsible for data reporting of various operational departments and in-patient units. Supports Nursing Administration to develop more efficient processes to help them focus more on the human aspects of their job. Assist the Associate VPs and CNO/VP with special projects in the department of nursing.
Evaluation of unit values and goals and their application at the bedside. Responsible for identifying the patient’s alterations in health, assessing the patient’s human response to actual and potential health problems, implementing nursing interventions based on theoretical concepts from nursing and other arts and sciences to achieve outcomes for the patient that facilitate resolution of alterations in health and actual and potential health problems, determining the effectiveness of nursing interventions by evaluating anticipated patient outcomes as needed to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
Responsible for identifying the patient’s alterations in health, assessing the patient’s human response to actual and potential health problems, implementing nursing interventions based on theoretical concepts from nursing and other arts and sciences to achieve outcomes for the patient that facilitate resolution of alterations in health and actual and potential health problems, determining the effectiveness of nursing interventions by evaluating anticipated patient outcomes as needed to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
Nursing Department program for RN satisfaction and System enhancement. This project includes RN to RN Peer Input and Evaluation work.
Developed Peer Input process using XM technology (Qualtrics) with individualized surveys for each RN displaying time of service and Modified Benner’s model stage for peers to rate in the 7 department of nursing metrics along with appreciateion, influence, and improvement questions. Staff receive monthly reports of their Peer Input responses. Managers can manage staff and view reports using support functions.
Leading department wide initiative to bring efficiencies to the RN performance evaluation process. Inital stage to help managers with processing evaluation and create a human focused interaction during the evaluation interviews between manager and staff.
Pilot electronic peer input system allowing RN peers to provide performance feedback routinely and efficiently.